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EAP- Employee Assistance Programme

Known worldwide under the acronym EAP, Employee Assistance Programme, it is a system specially designed to guide, support, inform and/or assist persons undergoing personal, family and/or work problems.

The employee assistance programme includes Psychological, Legal and Economic/Financial counseling.

Assistance is provided not only in relation to complex issues, but also in relation to everyday issues that take time away from the employee and do not allow it to focus on its job.

For more information about our programmes, contact us

Psychological Counseling and assistance

  • Personal or family issues
  • Decision-making counseling
  • Stress Effects
  • Drugs, Alcohol and Eating disorders

Legal Advice

  • Divorce
  • Inheritance
  • Child custody
  • Contracts
  • Purchase/sale of properties, etc.

Financial/Economic Assistance

  • Debts
  • Retirement
  • Insurance
  • Taxes
  • Investments

Wellness Coaching

  • Nutrition
  • Stress management
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Physical exercise
  • Smoking

How does the system work? How do employees use it?

The Employee Assistance Programme -EAP- is provided through a free line, e-mail or website.

An employee and its family can require support and guidance 24x7 all year long. There shall be a first contact and then the case shall be monitored according to its complexity.

Additional Services of the Employee Assistance Programme –EAP.

Guidance and counseling on difficult issue handling on your group of work, coaching to optimize your performance, training for referral to the programme.
Counseling and support during the implementation of the programme.
Details on distribution by location, gender, type of service, among other variables.
  • Stress management
  • Stress and Nutrition
  • Family budget management
  • Communication skills
  • Assertiveness
  • Addictions
  • Other services

(For more information about our regular workshops, please visit our section: In-company Training )


Which are the benefits of ICAS Latina’s programmes for my company?

They reduce:
Accidents, absenteeism, lawsuits against the company, work distraction, Stress, issues among employees or between employees and managers or supervisors.
They increase:
Productivity and they improve relationships,               Employee loyalty with greater employee retention, the reputation of the company with respect to its employees and other companies.
Benefits to the Company:
Detection of risky behavior allowing prevention.
Development of prevention and assistance programmes for               human resources in different aspects related to the problem               of the company or relevant situation.
Detection and solving of internal issues, thus               avoiding the increase of everyday problems and               major damages to the company. Detection of stress factors,               allowing the implementation of programmes to reduce stress.
Benefits to the Management:
Advice and training to identify employees undergoing problems, Consulting for managers, Timely intervention, Great relationship with the team.
Benefits to the Employee:
  • Professional service 24x7 all year long.
  • Unlimited phone and free service
  • Confidentiality
  • Improvement of life quality.
  • Increase of motivation and focus on the job, helping to improve the performance of each employee within the company.
Investment return
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us

Contact Us

Important: if Icas provides services to your company and you want to request assistance, please log in using your username and password (at the top of this page) and then click on "Request assistance"